- One of the most commom report in every month we will generate is to know the number of live accounts in a particular SOL ID.
- Generally in DOP Finacle for generation of previous day's reports and statistical reports Infy is maintaining separate server which is known as MIS Server.
- MIS server is nothing but Reports Server which has lot of reports which every one can go through by invoking the menu HFINRPT and view the reports available for the users.
- MIS server is very important for SBCO staff as they need to verify the reports which are received from the PO's with the system generated LOT. Hence MIS server is very important for report generation.
- MIS URL is https://dpdcpflmis.fsi.indiapost.gov.in:1443/finbranch/ui/SSOLogin.jsp
- SBCO staff should regurlay login to MIS URL and generate the reports for checking of the vochers, LOT's and consolidations to tally with cash book.
- MIS URL access is given only to Supervisors and SBCO staff this is for kind information.
- Procedure for generation of Live accounts report in step by step procedure is mentioned below.
Step by Step Procedure for generation of Live accounts Reports in MIS URL :-
Login to MIS URLhttps://dpdcpflmis.fsi.indiapost.gov.in:1443/finbranch/ui/SSOLogin.jsp in SBCO or Supervisor login
- Then invoke the menu HFINRPT and then click on Go as shown in the below figure
- Then in the above enter Page 2 as the Live accounts report is available in the mentioned page as shown in the below screen
- Then select the report Common_ No. Of Live Accounts report as shown in the below figure
- Then click on the Live accounts then the system will show the below screen as shown in the below figure
In the next step enter the Following details as mentioned below
Enter the From Date ___________
Enter the To Date ___________
Scheme COde As ALL
Enter the Sol/Set ID _____________
" Always enter the From Date and To Date as same date otherwise report will not be generated "
- In the next step click on Submit then the system will show the below screen as shown
- Click on Ok then view the report in HPR after 15 minutes then the system will display the below screen as shown in the below figure
- From the above screen it is clear the report is generated successfully in HPR select the report and view the report as shown in the below figure
- Always Enter From date and To date as same to generate the no of live accounts in MIS URL otherwise report will not be generated in quick time.
- Also don't try to generate the reports in MIS URL for Set id the system will not generate the report always try for individual SOL id for quick response from the server.