Dear Friends,
1) Cadre Restructuring Promotion is very serious issue for the future of
PA cadre which has to be either canceled or modified as per advantages
to all the staff.
2) Whoever takes initiative to fight against this illegal ,anti employees, non beneficial scheme should be supported.
3) Please don't give union color for this fight which is in the intrest of every employees.
4) Cadre restructured LSG promotion is not the same old LSG promotion
which is supervisory post with minimum three PA under them.
5) All C and B classes the work is mostly operative. Hence calling them LSG post is meaningless.
6) In Every division number of MACP 1 II and III officials with more
then Rs2800/- old Grade Pay officials are more then double the LSG posts
created under Cadre Restructuring.
Therefore no official will get financial upgradation from this promotion.
7) Without financial benefit or change in duties, can it be called promotion?
8) As number of cadre LSG PA posts are limited in Hos and Grade SOs,
most of the official will be forcibly posted to C and B class offices in
the nook and corner to unwilling places.
9) Once one accept cadre posts, he will be transfered within cadre posts
only.They cannot get transfer to PA cadre which are available in large
numbers at Divisional office
and Hos etc.
10) So poor cadre restructured LSG PA officials have limited chances of
working in Dos and HOs and are deprived of transfer to popular places
for the higher education of children and on health grounds.
11)As the number of HSG II is less in number in each division and its
Circle level posts, LSG cadre promoted officials after few years will be
next posted to HSG II (equivalent to MACP II) scale outside home
division. Then more trouble starts.
12) Further due to cadre restructuring suitable well qualified officials
cannot be posted to required Posts even if they are willing to work.
13) This will put pressure on middle and senior level officials to
complete day to day work in difficult working atmosphere without
assistance of suitable qualified SA and other willing PAs.
14) Only 50% of approved posts are filled. More trouble will crop up
when remaining posts are filled with further junior officials.
15) In total without financial benefit and changes in duties from
operative to supervisory, officials will be promoted and posted to other
places against their disadvantage.
Therefore should we have to accept this unconstitutional, illegal and
anti employee agreement just because the leaders at Delhi have signed
the agreement without consulting common employees who are worst
16) After reading this If you are convinced that this cadre
restructuring (CR) is not helpful, and a kind of punishment to common
employee under present condition, please educate other employees and
extend full cooperation to fight this case legally and if possible
through all India leaders of all the unions.
This is right time to unite, educate and fight
B S Ranganatha
Hassan HO.Karnataka
